American Honda Motor Co.. Inc. introduce the concept of sport cars of the future newest arena in the Los Angeles Auto Show 2008, California, United States. Concept car is named Honda FC Sport. A special, a car that is no longer rely on machines based on fuel oil. Instead, the Honda FC will use the hydrogen. This means that FC will be the Honda car sport zero emissions.
In the car containing the three-sport seats, the hydrogen from the fuel cell stack. Furthermore, hydrogen is used to generate electricity and stored in the battery. When the car dikebut, electric motor will get direct supply of electricity from the battery.
So that the performance of the car was really okay to dikebut, in addition to the forceful use of hydrogen, Honda designers take advantage of the body design and aerodynamics mulus. The other approach is to create and place a component of the modular power cars.
Therefore, the main component of the car with a carefully placed. The goal, the distribution of weight evenly divided on the two as wheels, front and rear. With that addition, the balance of the car steady, easily manageable, and devour spirited twist.
The position of the two passenger cars plus pengemudinya is also unique. Drivers placed in the middle, just like Formula 1 car drivers. Two passengers are almost parallel with the driver. FC has a roof or cover a transparent canopy that opened up.
Appearance is very gahar FC. Body smooth, flat postures, and body make berlekuk sharply different from the other car. The back of the car as it dipancung. Technique was used so that the radiator to cool the fuel cell can be installed with a steady.
There is also a barge board or body side panel, as in the Formula-1. In the FC, barge board is in the front wheel. With the barge board, aerodinamika grow at a car race on the high speed.
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