These past few weeks have been exceptionally hard on my family.
With so much going on I did not know where to start in constructing my next blog post. This has been a very stressful situation for all of us.
I have been receiving serious threats and cannot even walk through a store without somebody giving me the finger or making catty remarks, so I am a little confused about what is or is not safe to write about.
I feel that my freedom of speech has been completely stolen from me.
Why is it that when I tell the truth I get threatened?
I was raised to tell the truth no matter how hurtful it may be, but now my relatives are being harassed at work and getting multiple phone calls to their home which is completely unfair to them.
I am getting especially annoyed with all of this conspiracy talk saying that I took those photos of my brother’s truck at Bristol’s condo.
First off I don’t even know where she lives, nor do I care.
Believe me I would not waste my gas, and time, just to drive all the way into Anchorage to find her condo and take a picture. I knew that she and Levi were hanging out, but I was so upset that I didn’t even want to think about it, let alone tell the whole world about it.
The first I even heard about any pictures was when I was awakened by phone calls from friends and family asking if Bristol and Levi were back together because there were now photos surfacing online that showed his truck at her place. My response was, “I don’t know”, because to be honest it was not any of their business!
But for some reason nobody seems to believe me. Including Bristol herself.
Here is a Facebook post from Bristol talking about me which is completely full of inaccuracies.
How does it benefit Tripp to provide pictures of my home, my truck, and even my licenses plates? Do you think its safe for my one year old son to have stalkers driving by his/our home constantly? Do you think its fair to have your friends make threats towards myself and my household? .. I think this limelight gives you some sort of sick high. I ... See Moreknow you're desperate for attention, but enough was enough about a year and a half ago. You hold no title, and you have no class. You are the biggest contradiction. How can you be on food stamps, but still buy designer purses and wear designer jeans? Do you think you'll go far in life by making fast money solely on untrue, completely illegitimate accusations? .. Like I said you're seeking attention, and you don't have enough friends, or a job, or even a hobby, occupying your time. I know you're life must be depressing hun, but that's why there antidepressants.
Guessing this is fir Sadie ... Call me tomorrow
Hahahaha sorry man, it wouldn't let me post this on my wall.. Maybe you have her as a friend, and she can read it?! .. Call me tomorrow :) we'll need to have another drive up to Hatchers.. Love you
( I will not be revealing her fake Facebook identity in order to protect her privacy, but this is from the ACTUAL Facebook page that she started under an assumed name. I also won’t post all the comments from her friends because revealing their immature and inaccurate statements are unnecessary for the purpose of this blog post)
First off I would like to point out that I did NOT take those pictures, and still have no idea where her condo is, so she needs to check her sources.
Secondly I would never do anything to put her or my nephew in any danger. Ever!
Then she goes on to contradict herself by claiming that I have no friends but then says that these friends that I don’t have are threatening her.
Get this straight, NONE of my friends are making threats to Bristol Palin! Maybe there are people that I don’t know, but who want to support me, that are making such threats, but how is that in any way my fault? (If that is the case and those of you who did it are reading this post, please DO NOT make any threats to Bristol! Even if she and I are not getting along I do not want her to feel fearful or worried about her safety. After all she IS the mother of my nephew.)
But if Bristol wants to talk about THREATS then I can print out literally hundreds of threats that I have received from her friends and supporters beginning last year and becoming even worse since I started blogging.
I am also NOT on food stamps! And that was an unnecessarily ugly thing to say.
As for my clothes, well what does my having nice clothes have to do with Bristol? Many of the clothes in my closet I have received as gifts from relatives. The others I purchased for myself. (YES, for your information I started working at age fourteen and had a number of jobs before it became impossible for me to find employment.) Also I have been the same size since my Freshman year so even older clothes still fit.
And WHO said that I don’t have a hobby?
I have a number of hobbies, such as golf, running, scrapbooking, photography, and many others. I am not just sitting around imagining ways to make money by selling information about Bristol. If I were all I would have to do is pick up the phone and sell this story to the tabloids.
Remember, I am not the one making false accusations Bristol. Or lying to the public.
I would appreciate WHOEVER took those pictures of Levi’s truck at Bristol’s condo, and that showed up on Palingates and Radar Online, to step up and admit it so that I can once again prove to her that I am not “out to get her”.
This whole picture scandal has affected me in such a way that my own brother won’t even speak to me because Bristol convinced him that I am the one who took them, and then went on to claim they are putting her and Tripp in danger.
This is really unfair to me, and I would really appreciate the opportunity to clear my name.
Bristol, I would honestly love it if you could let go of everything from the past, and that we could go out for lunch and talk things out like adults. It would be my treat.
Just think about it.